Ambiciozno putovanje mladog para iz Roterdama (Cherwin 22g i Sjakoera 21g) vodi sve do dalekog Japana. Na put su krenuli 07.01.12. preko Njemačke, Austrije, Slovenije te Biograda do kojeg su prevalili oko 1300 km. Jedan dio preko Alpa su prešli vlakom te od Crikvenice do Biograda autobusom zbog jake bure.
Da, zima je i jebeno je hladno ovih dana. Ipak se ne mogu oteti dojmu da uopće neznaju što ih čeka, neznam kako je bilo na Alpama i koliko je bura šišala pod Velebitom ali nekako mi se prelako odlučuju na javni prijevoz. Što će biti tek kad dođu na bliski istok, kada u nekoj pripizdini gdje na stotine kilometara bez nekog da im pomogne ako zapnu, sniježna ili pješčana oluja - svejedno, veliki minus ili plus, nedostatak hrane i vode... Neka im je sa srećom.
Mladić se bavi triatlonom i pari da je u ok kondiciji, djevojka je onako malo jača pa možemo predpostaviti da može potegnuti. Iskustva u višednevnom bicikliranju nemaju, dok sam ih pratio iz Biograda vidim da mlada dama mjenja brzine dok je na uzbrdici pod opterećenjem. Iskustva u popravku i improvizaciji nula, sve će učiti usput. Najsmješnije od svega što im se navigacija oslanja na nokia telefon i ovi mape. Neće to baš na dobro svršiti.
Put će dokumentirati fotografijama i nekakvim putopisom pa čim dobijem link biti će dostupan ovdje.
Ostatak rute ide preko Albanije, Turske, bliski istok preko Irana, uglavnom na ljeto se planiraju popeti na Tibet a kraj puta u Japanu valjda do konca godine.
Sretno još jednom Veel succes op de weg!!!
PS: Dok su bili kod mene gleda mladac slike po zidovima, vidjevši portretnu od Franje Tuđmana u bijeloj generalskoj unifirmi nevino upita "is this your father?" Pukao sam od smijeha i objasnio da se palim na diktatore, kako strane tako i domaće.
Hey there!
OdgovoriIzbrišiWe found this on google and a friend translated it for us! We couldn't find you on warmshowers anymore but contact us on warmshowers if you'd like us to send pictures!
In Tadjikistan we met a German lady Dorothy that told us about you and the story you told her about us, how small the world is!
At this very moment we're at my lovely cousin and her husband in Tokyo, where we arrived 4weeks ago. She already told us with a big smile that we 'can stay for a couple of months', so we feel welcome and good. The 24th of semptember we arrived per ferry from Busan, South- Korea in Fukuoka, Japan. From there we cycled in southern direction to Nagasaki and made a little round on the southern island of Japan(Kyūshū), then we cycled along the northern coast of the middle island(Honshū) to Tsuwano and after that we cycled along the southern coast to Osaka(where Cherwin and I lost each other and where Cherwin was at the other side of the mountain in the evening) to Kyoto(Kansai), where we experienced a parade and a fire- festival. Afterwards we made our way to Tokio, after having climbed Mt. Fuji(ah well, I gave up 200m before the summit, because there was a lot of wind and I kept slipping in the snow, but Cherwin made the summit)! When we made it to Japan, we were tired; our fast cycling- expedition catched up on us. We were like; ah, yeah, we reached our goal, what are we cycling for now? So especially when it rained we had a hard time keeping ourselves motivated, luckily the sun shined more than the rain rained. Now we're in Tokio, we finally can rest. We're okay with lying in our own dirt in our bed. We made it! It took us a bit less than 10months, with an average(!) of 61km a day.
X Sjakoera (or Sakura San, like Japanese call me) and Cherwin
o and we had to laugh about the president again! Hahaha, contact us!
OdgovoriIzbrišiI'm glad you finished your long journey safe and well. I can only imagine what intresting things happend on this ride. Feel free to share your story. And you meet Dorothy... Fucking hillarious.
The president (my father) is still on his wall of fame.
I hope that you will put up a story from this journey with lots of photos and share it with the world... & send me a link.